Bremsur Level TLM Front

34.990 kr.

  • Front
  • 950 mm

Á lager

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
6.563 kr/mán
(m.v. 6 mán)

6 mán.

Miðað við 6 greiðslur á 18% vöxtum.

Aðeins 1.28% lántökugjald og 295 kr. færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar: 43%.

Heildarkostnaður: 39.379 kr.

Vörunúmer: 0100631716 Flokkur: Brand:


We know good value. It comes with practicality. Durability. Sensible design. The Level TLM is that sweet spot — alloy lever blades, DirectLink™ actuation, DOT 5.1 fluid, and our new two-piston, two-piece caliper — all in a compact, lightweight package. This is the tried-and-true machinery, for all day, never quit performance.