Battery PowerTube 500Wh – Vertical

149.990 kr.

  • 500 Wh
  • Including Hazardous goods box and operating instructions
  • Rechargeable battery can be integrated into the bicycle frame
  • At 2.8 kg only slightly larger than the PowerPack 500
  • Easy and safe to insert and remove
  • Integrated battery management system ensures high mileage and long service life
  • No memory effect and no self-discharge
  • Please be sure to order the correct variation of this battery, (horizontal or vertical).

Á lager

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


Miðað við greiðslur á % vöxtum.

Aðeins % lántökugjald og kr. færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar: %.

Heildarkostnaður: kr.

Vörunúmer: 0100633095 Flokkur: Brand:


Product line compatibility

  • Active Line Plus (BDU3XX)
  • Active Line (BDU3XX)
  • Performance Line Speed(BDU4XX)
  • Performance Line (BDU3XX)
  • Cargo Line / Speed (BDU4XX)
  • Active Line (BDU2XX)
  • Performance Line CX (BDU2XX)
  • Performance Line (BDU2XX)