Hnakkur Verse Elite

25.990 kr.

A lightweight performance saddle for riders of all genders and disciplines, with a full cutout that delivers targeted support and soft tissue pressure relief. For mountain, for road, for men, for women. Our most versatile performance saddle puts you in a power posture for speed and control wherever you ride—and it’s available in an wide range of sizes to ensure you get the fit you need. Verse Elite has Austenite rails that are lighter than Titanium, an inForm design with a full cutout shape for the ultimate in comfort and performance, and a rear-facing Blendr mount for a Flare tail light.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Vörunúmer: 0100635051 Flokkur: Brand:


  • Saddle design supports riders of all genders in a performance riding position on road and mountain bikes
  • Full saddle cutout minimizes soft tissue pressure for lasting comfort and performance
  • Austenite rails are lighter and stronger than hollow Titanium
  • Lightweight shell provides balance of weight, strength, and compliance
  • Elite-level trim optimizes foam padding for added lightweight comfort
  • Multiple widths and extended rail clamping area give more fit options
  • inForm saddles are born of cutting-edge biomechanical research to maximize performance and rider comfort
  • Available Blendr accessory mounts to cleanly integrate rear light

Nánari upplýsingar


270x145mm, 270x155mm, 270x165mm, 270x135mm