Bremsudiskur 160mm

24.990 kr.

CenterLine X rotors are the lighter weight version of SRAM’s quiet, smooth, and robust CenterLine rotors. The CenterLine X rotor features a two-piece design with an alloy center and steel brake track. Rounded edges make for easier wheel installs and are UCI-compliant.

Á lager

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
4.565 kr/mán
(m.v. 6 mán)

6 mán.

Miðað við 6 greiðslur á 18% vöxtum.

Aðeins 2.49% lántökugjald og 95 kr. færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar: 43%.

Heildarkostnaður: 27.390 kr.

Vörunúmer: 0100645687 Flokkur: Brand:


  • Lightweight, two-piece design
  • Rounded edges are UCI-compliant and allow for easier wheel installs
  • Compatible with both road and mountain bike brakes