Afturskiptir 105 R7150 12g Di2

74.990 kr.

Wide 36T-compatible 12-speed Di2 rear derailleur. Receiving the wireless shifting signal from the shift lever, the SHIMANO 105 rear derailleur completes a shift in the blink of an eye with its high-performance motor and optimized link structure. This is the hub of the Di2 system, with the charging port, indicator LEDs, adjustment switches and more integrated into a compact package. A low-profile design reduces damage from contact and falls.

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Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Vörunúmer: 0100641816 Flokkar: , Brand:


  • Compact design includes an integrated wireless unit, charger, switch
  • LED status indicator
  • Battery indicator
  • Pairing
  • Adjust mode, etc.
  • Wider range capacity
  • Max. low sprocket: 36T